Newsletter Newsletter English

Reunion after three years – travel report from Jens Augner, July 2022

I haven’t been this excited before a trip for a long time. After the forced three-year break due to
Covid 19, I could finally revisit the “Tikondane Community Centre” project in Katete (Zambia),
which is supported by the Zambia/Fair Trade AG…

Newsletter Newsletter English

Newsletter No. 3, July 2022

Dear Friends,
May passed by without a newsletter and we are in July and enjoying the welcome return of visitors and volunteers. One reason for this delay is that so much has been keeping us busy here as you will see from the reports below but let’s start with cheering photos of the possible future Tiko crew…

Newsletter Newsletter English

Newsletter No. 2, April 2022

Dear Friends,
The worldwide Covid-19 epidemic has forced us to make changes at Tiko and amongst other things to look into the effects of the loss of income from the lodge and restaurant. With Lydia, a livestock officer in Katete, and Christine, a long-time hard-working member of Tiko, I went to Uganda for a weeklong course given by Dr. Emma Naluyima to learn how we can make the best possible use of the land and demonstrate the methods used to others…

Newsletter Newsletter English

Newsletter No. 1, January/February 2022

Dear Friends,
I have handed over to Rey our volunteer from the USA to start the first newsletter of 2022 by introducing himself and a new exciting way to help our community at Tiko…
Welcome to our late posting January newsletter! I am Rey …

Newsletter Newsletter English

Newsletter No. 7, December 2021

Dear Friends,
With covid omicron on the march it seems we are all in trouble again, but please note that at Tiko we are looking forward to a New Year that will be very hard, but will take Tiko towards sustainability, even though the rains are only just arriving now, three months late! We must thank you for having brought us this far, with almost two years of no income from the lodge and none of my fund-raising trips. For us, God is Great, and we hope that you, who have a heart for the poor, will have a feeling of contentment, however much covid now hits you.

Newsletter Newsletter English

Newsletter No. 6, November 2021

Dear Friends,

The worldwide Covid-19 epidemic has forced us to make changes at Tiko and among other things forced us to look into the effects of the loss of income from the lodge and restaurant. With Lydia, a life stock officer in Katete and Christine, a long-time hard-working member of Tiko I am going to Uganda for a weeklong course of Dr. Emma Naluyima to learn how we can make the best possible use of the land and demonstrate the methods used to others. The internet video of Dr Emma’s TED lecture will show you why we are going to Uganda. We are all looking forward to this trip…

Newsletter Newsletter English

Newsletter No. 5, September/October 2021

Dear Friends,
It seems so long since I saw any of you, but that is what COVID has meant to us. We have grown used to the strangely quiet restaurant and lodge, which is coupled to a loss of income that Tiko can ill afford. Like so many countries, we are also experiencing the effects of global warming, even if less dramatically than in some places, The rains were heavier than usual in the hot season which even helped some crops, but if the temperature in the hot season was high the cold season has been colder than usual. We shivered through this year’s AGM in the verandah with the cold air blowing freely through…

Newsletter Newsletter English

AGM – Newsletter No. 4, September 2021

Dear Friends, We want to share with you our AGM report and to share with you how we have spent the money kindly donated from around the world and generated by our income generating projects. As ever, we are grateful for all your ongoing support, particular over the difficult last year. The records from our […]

Newsletter Newsletter English Otto 8 per mille

19 Steps out of poverty – with „Otto 8 per mille” – Newsletter No. 2, June 2021


Newsletter Newsletter English

Newsletter No. 3, May 2021

Dear friends,

We are growing used to our much-changed life at Tiko, but very much miss the pleasure we had in welcoming visitors from various parts of the world. We also miss sharing in their enjoyment of the welcomes they receive from people they meet in the villages. We have lost the income from the lodge and restaurant, at least until travel from abroad becomes possible again. In the meantime we have not been idle…